
Giving Thanks with a Full Heart

Giving Thanks with a Full Heart

I began this post a few days ago, but between cross country flights, reconnecting with my in-laws, filling up on wonderful food, and then eating leftovers of wonderful food, I still want to post my thanks and gratitude before we move too far away from Thanksgiving:

First and foremost, I am so grateful - everyday... every moment of the day - for the grace, forgiveness, and salvation afforded to us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I cannot imagine my life without him; although, I can remember well when I chose a life apart from him. It is by the grace of God every day that I can love God well, love others, and know that I am loved. Praise God for what he did for every single one of us on the cross and resurrection!

Are You Heeding this Advice?

Are You Heeding this Advice?

In a coffee shop last week with my great friend and ministry colleague, Curtis Zackery, he shared a quote with me that I want to pass onto you. 

It certainly gave me reason to pause and think about the value of friendship in my personal life, the nature of it, and our proclivity to abandon it for the '2-foot ladder' (see Lecrae, "Fear) up which all of us so long to climb! 

C.S. Lewis says of friendship:

Orange Friendships

If someone pinned me up against a wall and forced me to confess my MOST favorite Orange quality (though you would never have to do such a thing for me to talk about Orange)… I would say, "Easy! It's all about Friendships!"

In my Monday post, the number one reason that I noted for your church to become Orange is so that you don't do ministry alone! If for no other reason, then Orange is worth its weight in Gold! It's that simple.