
Do Your Students Really Feel Ashamed for Doubting?

Do Your Students Really Feel Ashamed for Doubting?

In the not so distant past, one of the dominant discussions permeating throughout student ministry consisted of the tension between doubt and shame. Does the church bestow shame - either implicitly or explicitly - upon students who doubt?

Perhaps, among certain cultures, certain geographical locations, certain groups of people who interpret Scripture a particular way, certain networks and denominations of churches - perhaps - but I believe that this paradigm of discipleship is fading fast into the distant background. 

Is Your Response to Christian Practices Harming the Faith of Others?

Is Your Response to Christian Practices Harming the Faith of Others?

I grew up in West Virginia, and for everyone else who did not, then you missed out. 

West Virginia - or "Almost Heaven" as we like to call it - regards certain characteristics about life as most desirable, such as honesty, pride in one's family and country, integrity, hard work, and a simple, straightforward way of life. My culture engrained these values in me, and it seems no matter where I go, gratefully, each one follows me there. 

My childhood culture also embedded other values within me that bear roots deep down, namely in my faith and spirituality. 

There are Perks to Being a Wallflower, but...

It ought not be your identity. 

First, the perks…

I was assigned to read this book during a class I took during seminary called the 'Psychology of Adolescents.' It was one of the most formative courses I studied in seminary. Even to this day, I am surprised by how much I retained from the class and implement on a weekly basis. Each week of the class, our professor, Robert Dykstra, assigned us to read adolescent therapy texts alongside of teenage novels, as a way of marrying study with practice. One of those books was The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

6 Rules for Post-Christian Sex Talk

Here's the first harsh truth: if your sexual ethic for teenagers begins with the words, "You can't do this…" then you have already lost the battle before you even started!

In my previous post, I define what I mean by the term, "Post-Christian." It is a difficult term to understand and define. It is fraught with connotation and misinterpretation, which may be further complicated by your geographical location. It certainly is for me living in the Bay Area. For the sake of brevity, please see the definition that I give for this term here, and you will understand why this issue needs addressed. Before I dive into this issue, however, allow me to first explain the impetus for this post.

"Buckwild" Proves that the Post-Christian Context Exists Everywhere!

First, what is Post-Christianity?

Great question, and I will admit at the outset that this term is a 'meta'-term, difficult to understand, and carries with it many connotations. Many folks use this term somewhat flippantly to describe situations and contexts that seem undefinable. I want to argue (and this is merely my perspective), that this has become a catch-all term. If your kids are blowing up and going crazy, then it is because they are post-Christian. If your kids pick their nose, then it is because they are Post-Christian.