rethink leadership

Rethink Leadership Conference Day 2 #OC16 #RL16

Rethink Leadership Conference Day 2 #OC16 #RL16


Know your message enough to find the direction, but leave it open enough to let the Holy Spirit inspire new content. 

For humor, build the island, but then make sure that you make a sturdy bridge to and from the island. Satire is about an idea, but mockery is about an individual. We are not called to mockery.

Put handles on ideas so that we can carry them forward. We have enough ideas. Put a handle on them.  

Rethink Leadership Conference Day 1 #RL16 #OC16

Rethink Leadership Conference Day 1 #RL16 #OC16


Strategy is a plan of action with an end in mind.

Think of motorcycle training through cones. Look at the cones, and you will hit it. Look at an object at the end of the cones, and you will pass every time.

Misalignment happens - all the time - relationships, marriage, teams, tires.

What you need to work on is alignment

On Life and Blogging II

On Life and Blogging II

Let me reacquaint myself. I used to send you blog posts on ministry and culture... that is, until my family and I moved to Miami and welcomed a brand new baby boy into our family. 

As you can imagine, life turned upside down for my family and me in all the best ways. Almost a year ago today, I received a call, asking me to interview for a new role in a new city. That same week, my wife discovered that she was pregnant!

Within a month, we waved goodbye to the only city our marriage ever knew, welcomed our first born, and made the closest friends of our life. We set out on a new adventure, beckoning us to a greater calling than we could imagine!