
7 Reasons Why I Chose Squarespace Over Wordpress

I took the plunge and haven't looked back. 

I created my first Wordpress self-hosted website in December 2009 at the recommendation of one of my seminary professors. She made the argument that a personal website would make myself more marketable to find a job. A couple of my close friends had created websites - mostly for blogging - so I decided to leap off the cliff, too, and see where it could take my job hunt. Plus, it's kind of fun saying that I have my own personal website. Thus, I found my own hosting service, set it up myself, and uploaded a free template to design it. Remarkably, my website did help me land my first job, and I've been using my website as a means of writing and exercising my creative, theological, and ministerial muscle ever since. 

But I must confess: I literally have logged thousands of hours using Wordpress, studying it, and developing mastery of it - only to still feel frustrated and unsatisfied at the limited options for guys like me who don't know code. Everything from exploring themes, finagling templates, updating software, installing plug-ins, you name it!