
Student Reflections on Kolkata - Video

Recently, two young teenage men who served on our Kolkata Mission Team produced a documentary video chronicling our adventures serving rescued women from the sex traffick industry. It highlights so well the true, real time reality of how difficult and rewarding our work truly was in Kolkata. I hope that you watch it and witness how God not only used our team, but uses Freeset everyday to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his message of freedom everyday.

Reflecting Kolkata - One Month Later

One month after Kolkata, I feel more burdened than ever to simply share our story with as many people as possible.

Before we arrived at Kolkata, I recall telling our team to prepare for the shock of re-entry. Many had never left North America, let alone step foot onto the Asian sub-continent. I felt a hunch deep within me that our return home would be tougher than anyone of us could imagine.

Streets #loveGodloveKolkata

Two weeks ago, I walked along an entirely different kind of street.

It was dirty, full of garbage, excrement, and raw sewage. Strangers bathed in the streets. Traffic moved about in chaotic forms. The homeless made homes in the streets. Struggling businesses dotted the streets. A dying man laid lifeless in the street. Misery is embodied on the streets.

The streets of Kolkata incarnate life in its rawest form.

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Choices #loveGodloveKolkata

"The difference between the poor and wealthy is simple: the poor have no choice, and the wealthy have too many."

Said Kerry Hilton, Founder and President of Freeset, an organization that seeks to provide a choice for women to choose freedom from sex trafficking.

The difference between the poor and wealthy is simple: the poor have no choice, and the wealthy have too many.

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Dichotomies #loveGodloveKolkata

I filmed a short video sharing about the strange dichotomy of our final day in Kolkata. As you watch, ask yourself this question: how have you responded in the past to issues that confront your faith and seemingly oppose it? Be praying for our travels home, and I look forward to writing more about my experiences in Kolkata over the next several days.  

Kolkata Final Night from Ryan Reed on Vimeo.

Perspectives #loveGodloveKolkata

Today we completed a physical labor project for Freeset that demanded much time and even more energy. Freeset is an organization that describes itself as a "Freedom Business." Staff volunteer for at least a year - and in some cases - for upwards of a lifetime. The mission of the organization is simple: to offer the choice of freedom for sex trafficked women to leave the Kolkata brothels.