
What I Want Every Kid to Know Before I Say One Word

What I Want Every Kid to Know Before I Say One Word

My mentor used to say, "Proclaim the Gospel by any means necessary short of anything illegal or immoral." 

I agree. In fact, I agree so much that I decided to dedicate my vocational career to the proclamation of the Gospel, and I seek to do it as often as possible! I want to use words, illustrations, actions, smoke signals, anything! I would do just about anything for a person to know the truth of grace and salvation! 

But what about the flipside to that coin? As much as I may want someone to follow Jesus, what do I want that person to know about how much I value her or him? What would I want that person to know about the love of Christ before I utter one word? I would want that person to know this:

4 Ways to Integrate Teenagers into the Life of Your Church

4 Ways to Integrate Teenagers into the Life of Your Church

One of the very first posts that I ever wrote was titled, "Why the Church Needs Teenagers (And Why You Do, Too)." I shared the importance for why your church or organization needs to include the voice of teenagers in its overall direction and culture.

The key question, however, is how does this practically, systematically, and structurally happen? How do we as youth workers and leaders persuade our communities to put into practice these very ideals?

Just a few short years ago, as a 16 year old, the leadership of my church thrusted me into a position of power and authority by encouraging me to preach a half dozen times throughout the year. They recognized a gift within me, and they assumed that I would have something to say that the rest of the church needed to hear. As a result of this decision, two consequences occurred:

Into the Wilderness with Teenagers

Let’s call it out: serving teenagers is crazy hard! It’s kinda like venturing into a deep forest without a light or a map - why would you do it?! The gnarly world of teenagers can seem confusing, difficult, and disorienting... for both you and the student! At times, it may even be terrifying!

God calls us into the wilderness and the dark places in order that we may be witnesses in a desperate world
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Streets #loveGodloveKolkata

Two weeks ago, I walked along an entirely different kind of street.

It was dirty, full of garbage, excrement, and raw sewage. Strangers bathed in the streets. Traffic moved about in chaotic forms. The homeless made homes in the streets. Struggling businesses dotted the streets. A dying man laid lifeless in the street. Misery is embodied on the streets.

The streets of Kolkata incarnate life in its rawest form.

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5 Keys to Communicating a Successful Vision

Great leaders lead with great vision!

In my experience with Student Pastors, we do not need much assistance with creating vision for ministry. Many student pastors excel in their chosen field because they are idealists, dreamers, and creative.

But a great vision is worth nothing without the complimentary skill set to communicate it. Vision without strategic and well-intentioned communication remains just an imaginary nugget. Vision requires communication.

Great vision is worth nothing without the complimentary skill set to communicate it.

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2 Observations from a High School Parking Lot

2 Observations from a High School Parking Lot

Last week, I drove to my community's local high school to pick up one of my students for lunch. I turned into the parking lot. Class had not yet been dismissed, so I sat in my car just outside of the main entrance to the building. About 30 seconds later, the bell rang, and immediately, a flood of students poured onto the school grounds. It was like a dam of teenagers burst through the doors of the high school.

Off in the distance, I noticed my student standing on the other side of the school grounds. I slowly began to drive forward through the main artery of the parking lot. Hundreds of students crossed the road from the main entrance to their cars. I inched my way — strategically navigating through the crowds who hardly, if at all, noticed me. It seemed like a scene from an Indian market.

4 Ways to Integrate Your Teenagers into the Life of Your Community

4 Ways to Integrate Your Teenagers into the Life of Your Community

Earlier this week, I wrote a post titled, "Why the Church Needs Teenagers (And Why You Do, Too)." I shared the necessity for why your church or organization needs to include the voice of teenagers in its overall direction and culture.

I received valuable response in addition to the comments that it received. The key question that remains, however, is how does this happen? How do we as youth workers and leaders persuade our communities to put into practice these very ideals?