Giving Thanks with a Full Heart

I began this post a few days ago, but between cross country flights, reconnecting with my in-laws, filling up on wonderful food, and then eating leftovers of wonderful food, I still want to post my thanks and gratitude before we move too far away from Thanksgiving:

First and foremost, I am so grateful - everyday... every moment of the day - for the grace, forgiveness, and salvation afforded to us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I cannot imagine my life without him; although, I can remember well when I chose a life apart from him. It is by the grace of God every day that I can love God well, love others, and know that I am loved. Praise God for what he did for every single one of us on the cross and resurrection!

I am grateful for the constant, unconditional love of my wife, Stacy. She shows me everyday what humility and character in Christ looks like in a concrete way. She is the best wife and best mom... ever! I hope for another 100 years with my love!

I am grateful for my beautiful, healthy daughter, Hannah Grace. I look forward to every morning at 6am when I get to play with her - no matter how hard it may be to wake up - I love every moment with her... a true, God-given gift. 

I am grateful for my family on both sides of the equation. So grateful for a mom, brother, and extended family who love my family and me more than I could know! So grateful for in-laws who believe in me and support my family in all we do!

I am grateful for great friends. I keep a solid group of men around me at all times, and I would not know what to do without their friendship, ideas, insights, trust, and iron-sharpen-iron mentality. I need these guys everyday.

I am grateful for my church, Hillside Church of Marin, the community of believers who make up both my community and vocation. I pray that we can keep pressing toward Jesus in all that we do together, becoming a church that unchurched people love to attend!

I am grateful for my staff team. They bring so much value to my vocation. I look forward to working alongside such an equipped and healthy team for the sake of the Gospel in our community. 

I am grateful for those who subscribe to my blog and read each post that I write. You inspire me and spurn me on to continue producing worthwhile content. May you continue to support my desire to keep this blog going. I could not do this without you. 

I am grateful to all of the others of you who read this blog because you found it on social media, a link, or my business card. Thank you for taking time away from other life circumstances to read this, and I pray that you continue digging in with me. 

Prayers on blessings on all of you, and may this Thanksgiving season remind you of how richly God blessed every single one of us through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ!